Crystal Vibrations and Crystal Cleansing
When visiting your favorite local crystal shop, have you picked up a crystal and instantly felt cold or warmth in your hand? Have you ever picked through an entire box of pretty crystals just to find that special one that feels comfortable? Most of us have done this at one time or another. You may not understand why some crystals call to you while others are silent. It’s all about the vibrations they are giving off. It never stops; it’s twenty-four hours a day forever.
Crystals resonate with our human body in two ways:
1) The human body is essentially a biological battery. Each cell produces large amounts of energy, in the form of electrical pulses or vibrations, which resonate with crystals.
2) Parts of our bodies are crystalline in structure (bones, teeth etc.), making them similar on a cellular level to crystals.
A person’s energetic field is drawn to energy that is in the surrounding environment. Constant vibration from crystals naturally draws us to work with them.
By placing different crystals on your Chakra points, the crystal’s constant vibrations can change an erratic or compromised vibration of your energetic body, bringing it into a steady rhythm, and helping to balance both your physical and your energetic body.
There are thousands of crystals that occur in nature. Each one has the ability to rebalance our vibrations to help us with specific issues. Here are some examples of crystals I work with. Chrysocolla helps with deep meditation and to improve communication. Unakite is the stone of vision and helps to open our Third Eye Chakra. Cinnabar (Dragon’s blood) attracts abundance into your life. Shiva Lingam facilitates the union of opposites, such as masculine and feminine, and is excellent for sexual healing.
A unique phenomenon that happens while working with a single crystal throughout a complete lunar month, is that we may be drawn closer to the crystals vibrations during some times and pushed away from the vibrations during other times. Keep in mind that it is our own vibrations that change; the crystal never changes vibrations. Our bodies know what vibrations it needs to heal.
Your crystal would like to be cleansed prior to any energy work that you would like to use it for. Crystals hold energy from previous handling. Cleansing will help remove any energy, especially any negativity that might have attached to it while waiting for you to buy it. There are several ways to complete a cleansing or cleaning.
Smudging with smoke
This is an ancient practice where you are using smoke from burning aromatic leaves, grasses or woods to energetically cleanse your crystals. I really enjoy the smell of Palo Santo wood, although this is becoming hard to find as we are over-harvesting it. I use it to cleanse my energetic body as well as to cleanse my crystals. I light the wood and place in a large shell to smolder, letting the smoke rise. I visualize this smoke removing any negative energy as I pass the crystals through the smoke. Any negative energy will evaporate with the smoke as it rises up and away from the crystal. I also use a positive affirmation while passing the crystals through the smoke. You could say something like, ”I release any negative energy from my crystal and invite in the power of love and light.”
While water is okay for humans to cleanse themselves in, you never want to use water on porous crystals. The water might start to dissolve your crystals. The only crystal I feel safe using water with is polished quartz, and then I only rinse them off and don’t soak them. It is better to use a different method until you get to know your crystals better.
Full moon or the moonlight
There are about nine days during the full moon cycle that have sufficient moonlight to cleanse your crystals. Placing your crystals outside or on a windowsill to catch the light is an easy method. Make sure that you protect your crystals from morning dew (refer back to using water for cleansing above). One of the best places you can place your crystals is under a tree, as this will protect your crystals from any morning dew. Leaving them out all night will help recharge their vibrations. If you store your crystals in a basket, it’s very easy to move the entire basket outside monthly to cleanse and recharge all of them at once.
Grounding on Earth
Crystals love to be placed back on the Earth. Avoid placing in ground with high moisture. Your backyard is a perfect place to do this, as you will remember where you placed them. Leaving them on the Earth over night during a full moon is a wonderful cleansing. Remember to keep them protected from the dew, and from full sunlight as they may fade.
These are just a few ways that you can cleanse your new crystals. Try one and see if it feels right for you. If not, you can find many different ways online. Find one or two ways that resonate with you. Don’t forget that it helps to use intentions while cleansing.
Thom Eggert is a certified Transpersonal Crystal Healing Practitioner, a Usui Shiki Ryoho Reiki Master and a Luminous Body Healer and Shamanic Practitioner in the lineage of the Peruvian Andean Q’ero tradition.
He and his wife, Carla, run Healing Earth Energy In Plymouth, Michigan