Olly Olly Toxin Free Part I: My Healing Journey

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About a decade ago I was a physical and emotional mess, unhealthy and unhappy. Battling allergies to everything, asthma and various other health and emotional issues, I turned to conventional western medicine and therapy. Their answer was a laundry list of medications and desperately wanting relief, I blindly accepted that solution. Since my story doesn’t end here, you can probably guess that didn’t work.

Image by: Adam Niescioruk, Unsplash

Image by: Adam Niescioruk, Unsplash

Eventually, I did experience some relief but not enough. The drugs created a new list of symptoms and I really wasn’t interested in being handcuffed to the pharmaceutical industry. The real concern for me was that the “medicine” was just a band-aid masking a problem not addressing the cause. I didn’t want to accept a lifetime of taking one medicine for this thing and another medicine to treat the side effects which cause other symptoms and so on and so on.

I was driven to escape the status quo and began asking questions….Was there something in my environment making me sick? Was my diet helping or hurting me? What did I need and not need in my life to feel better? I believed that if I truly wanted to get better, I needed to understand the big picture.


The more I learned the more I realized how polluted my daily life had become. Almost everything I put into and onto my body contained chemicals and toxins, and almost everything I was allowing into my energy field was depleting me emotionally and spiritually. My light bulb moment came when I discovered The Barrel Analogy during my research….

Imagine that your body is an empty barrel equipped to process and clean out the impurities you breathe, eat, or absorb through your skin. Now take a look at the ingredients in your toothpaste, face wash, moisturizer, shampoo, deodorant, etc. Add to that highly processed food full of additives or treated with chemicals, the pollution you breathe, the products you use to clean with and even the chemicals used in making your clothing and household goods. The barrel (your body) has a limited capacity or at the very least can only process so much at one time. When you add up all the junk you’ll realize your barrel is overflowing and can no longer process and clean out the toxins fast enough thereby causing you physical illness.

Image by: Amritanshu Sikdar, Unsplash

Image by: Amritanshu Sikdar, Unsplash

Horrified by the realization that what I thought was "clean" living was far from it, I decided to make a huge change and go toxin and chemical free. My spiritual and emotional journey included energy healing, meditation and better self-care practices. My physical healing journey began by switching to natural based cleaners which led to making my own personal care products which segued into cleaner eating.

Image by: Daiga Ellaby, Unsplash

Image by: Daiga Ellaby, Unsplash

Image by: Marnie Blum

Image by: Marnie Blum

Image by: Norwood Themes, Unsplash

Image by: Norwood Themes, Unsplash

Over time I eliminated my asthma, have little to no allergy symptoms (even during yellow snow season), I haven’t had a cold in years, I’m happy and I take absolutely no pharmaceuticals!

Through my own healing adventure, I have learned firsthand how vital it is to treat the whole person when seeking to heal ANY issues. This journey has now become a true passion and healthy lifestyle choices are one of the founding principles of Peace In The Forest.

I also know living “clean” is no small undertaking and I’m here to tell you, you don’t have to start from scratch or do it alone. Over the next few months I’ll be sharing my journey in more depth, providing tips and tricks, favorite alternative products and recipes.

Next month our first stop will be the bathroom with a Shampoo Shake-Down. If you have any specific questions or concerns you would like me to address, shoot me an email at Marnie@PeaceInTheForest.com or better yet, stop by the shop and let’s chat.

In peace and love and light,


Image by: Nefeli Kavvada, Unsplash

Image by: Nefeli Kavvada, Unsplash


Olly Olly Toxin Free Part II: Shampoo Shake-Down