Time To Purify

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Your body is a record keeper.

Everything that has ever happened to you lives within your cells, your bones, your being--including physical and emotional traumas.

As energetic beings, we carry imprints from each lesson, each moment, that shape us into the person we are. Some of these situations were difficult and led us to shift our lives around- they propelled us forward. Some of these were magical, happy experiences that helped us feel secure in ourselves. But, we generally all have some imprints left in our system that were from negative, traumatic experiences that created programming in our minds designed to protect, build walls, and keep us safe.


Subconsciously, the intention is to keep ourselves safe with these walls, but in reality, they are holding us back from our full potential. We have to work through the experience to fully heal. We have to purify the imprints and shift our mindsets to release the fears holding us captive.

Most of the time, we don't even realize that any of this is happening. We don't recognize where we are limiting ourselves, or even self-sabotaging. We grow accustomed to our comfort zone. Yet- we can't expect to feel fully alive if we are only paying attention to the pieces of us that we want to see--and keeping the other pieces of us buried down deep under the surface in the shadows.


As women, we can heal through these traumas by building a relationship with our womb space. The womb is our powerhouse; it's the life force center in our bodies that connects us to our feminine energy, the very thing that makes us magical creatures. When we begin to bond with our womb, we are capable of healing wounds with the feminine, wounds with the masculine, father/mother wounds, sexual wounds, abandonment wounds, worthiness wounds, past life wounds, childbearing wounds, and so much more. Even if we no longer have a physical womb, the energy center is still intact.

Womb healing can be the journey back to self-love and rediscovering compassion for others. How is your relationship with the womb?


Take a moment and place your hands over your womb, just above your pelvis. Set your intention to connect to your womb to see how she is feeling.

Take 3 deep breaths here to drop into your body. How is she feeling?

 Is she calm and peaceful? Is she contracted or constricted? Is she vibrant and buzzing? Is she numb and not communicating with you?

There is no wrong answer--it's simply awareness. The more you build your relationship with her and practice tapping into her, the more she will quickly communicate with you, even helping you to make decisions throughout your day that will bring the most pleasure to your life. When you can purify the weight she is carrying and choose to make room to fill her with love instead, you can drastically shift your life to flow with ease instead of resistance.

Ready to learn more about womb healing? Join me on Saturday, September 25th at 4 pm for Womb Healing: The Power Within to dive deeper into womb healing!

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Candace Patrick, founder of Journey With Your Soul and the High Vibe Toolbox, is a universe explorer, crystal queen, and lover of trees! She is a best-selling international author based out of Wake Forest, NC and spends her life educating people about the science behind energy and crystals and how you can use this information and tools to face your fears and transform your life! She's a certified Meditation Teacher, Reiki & Archangelic Light practitioner, and specializes in Past Life Readings. Her purpose on this planet is to raise vibes and save the world—one soul at a time!


Finding Your Feet

