Much Ado About Manifest

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Manifest is a big buzzword these days, from affirmations to podcasts, you’ve probably heard it if you are on any kind of personal growth path. Heck, I even have an upcoming class called Manifest Your Dreams: Redraw Your Reality on July 10th!

So what’s all the fuss?

Well, if you aren’t living the life of your dreams… if getting what you want doesn’t come easy to you… then manifestation can feel like some sort of unattainable, unreachable magic trick.

Why does manifestation come so easy to some and is so difficult for others?

Some of it has to do with your human design and the type of energy you naturally move through the world with. Did you know only 8% of the population has manifestor energy? Shocking right! It feels like so many more because the mainfestors know how to promote and sell themselves, that’s their natural energy.

The other 90% of us have different energy. That doesn’t mean we can’t manifest, it means we manifest in ways that are different from those we see “making it” everyday.

The good news is, no magic potion or special skills are required to manifest what you want.

What is required?


Here is a highlight of the 4 simple steps I share with my Dynamic Transformation Program Tribe in the M.A.N.I.F.E.S.T. Empowerment Tool, they are:

M = Mindful

A = Action

Make sure your actions are in line with what you want to manifest. Like attracts like. By cultivating positive actions (and attitude) towards anything that represents what you want to manifest, you create a flow of that energy around you.

N = Nurtured

I = Intentions

Intentions are reflected in your thoughts and your language and great care needs to be given to how both show up in the world. Be fiercely vigilant about how you conduct your mind and what you say, especially to yourself.

F = Focused

E = Energy

Energy is the culmination of beliefs, actions, thoughts and words that you project out into the world. This energy creates a vibration that is mirrored back to you. If you really want it, you have to be willing to put your energy into it.

S = See

T = Tomorrow

Envision yourself as having already manifested what you want. Feel from that place, think from that place, speak from that place. Don’t worry about how you got there, just be there.

The actions, thoughts, language and energy you put into manifesting takes practice because more than likely you are going to have to retrain your old behavior patterns.

If you want to manifest your desires, practice the above steps a lot! At the same time stay away from comparison and focus on you…

  • Do your actions feel good in your body?

  • How is your energy?

  • Are your intentions authentic?

At the end of the day, whatever it is that you are wanting to manifest, needs to be in alignment with your desires and your core values, not someone else’s.

If this work feels juicy and resonates with you, let’s talk about how I can help you get where you want to go.


