There is no doubt that “self” is trending right now!
Are you over it?
Not really feeling it?
Or totally on board?
Your response to this trend can be a telling indicator of your life journey so far and where you are in the healing process.
You may have heard the phrase “what you resist persists” or “where your thoughts go the energy flows.”
These aren’t just a cliches, they are scientific fact.
Like attracts like on an energetic level. When you actively resist something, you are actually placing your energy firmly in that very thing you are trying to resist, bringing it to you like a magnet.
Ask yourself why are you resisting focusing on self.
Resistance is a trigger, an indication that there is a trauma or memory or wound that you don’t want to acknowledge or look at that still needs to be healed. Phrases such as “I’m fine, I don’t need that,” “I’ve already dealt with that,” and “I’m over it” are clear signals that attention is needed in the area you are resisting.
How do I know?
Because, if the trauma/memory/wound really was healed, it wouldn’t trigger you.
So what is it about focusing on yourself that feels prickly?
What is the story or limiting belief you have bought into that makes you judge “self” as bad or wrong?
And how can you uproot it so that you can dive in?
Perhaps you don’t have any strong feelings one way or the other about SELF, you are more or less detached or wonder what is the big deal.
So I ask you…
How could YOU not be a big deal?
This is your life, your journey, your purpose, your experience…how could it not be about yourSELF?
Are you harboring stories and limiting beliefs that say you are unworthy of attention, that focusing on SELF is selfish, that your job is to only care for others?
I’m happy to tell you none of these things are true! Not only are you worthy of your time, energy and focus, it is actually why you are here living this life at this time.
If you are totally on board, you already know the value (or are getting to know the value) of SELF. Hopefully you are fully embracing all the ins and outs that make you YOU… seeking, learning, growing and expanding more fully into SELF.
You are understanding that self-reflection, self-awareness, and self-care are vital componants to living a full and joyful life.
The bottom line is, life is about self-discovery and self-actualization and the only way to do those things is…
well, to focus on SELF.
Whether you are in resistance mode, totally on board or somewhere in between, Peace In The Forest is here to guide you and support you through it all with books and products, classes, healthy lifestyle choices, self-care services, and more.
Let me know where you are, where you want to go and how I can help.
Are you ready for the next steps of SELF-discovery and SELF-actualization?
The Dynamic Transformation Program may be the very thing you are searching and longing.
Marnie Blum is a certified Energy Medicine Practitioner, Reiki Master, certified Shamanic Practitioner, a Transformational Life Coach, an Ordained Minister, and certified in Meditation and Mindfulness.