The Power of "Pause!"
The secret to healing, personal growth, being in alignment and living your purpose is (drum roll please)… it is an ongoing, lifelong process.
You’re probably having one of two reactions to this information, either you are deeply disappointed because you’ve been striving to reach the finish line that is not going to come, or you are relieved to know that continually changing and growing is not a sign you are doing it wrong.
Now that you know this is a long-haul game, let me share my number one tip for succeeding in the journey of life…
Nearly every single moment, conflict, decision, choice, issue, etc. etc. etc. can be made better by the power of “pause!'“
Somewhere along our evolutionary path, from hunter-gatherers to a technology driven society, we lost sight of the fact that we are human. We are not machines meant to run harder, faster, longer, giving more, more, more. Overwork, overdo, overwhelm are not our natural states of being. Consequently we are out of sync with our natural rhythms, flow and alignment and likely stuck in patterns of reaction.
Learning to take a beat, a breath, a pause puts space between you and everything else giving you a chance to choose, to respond, to be in alignment with You.
When your mind is stuck in past-future thought patterns —> PAUSE!
When your emotions go into overdrive —> PAUSE!
When your body twinges, feels off, reacts —> PAUSE!
When you are seeking answers —> PAUSE!
When you give yourself space to center and be present, the raging storm around you loses its power and you have the opportunity for clarity. You have nothing to lose and everything to gain by taking a moment to notice, evaluate and then choose how to respond.
Visualization is a great tool for shifting behavior patterns. Whenever I am in it, I like to imagine a giant red “PAUSE” button, that I can push and everything around me stops. It allows me to seperate what is happening in my mind or in front of me, which is colored by my past experiences and future worries, from the truth of what is actually happening. You can imagine a clock stopping or a bubble surrounding you with everything inside being still and quiet, whatever soothes you imagine that and take your moment to pause.
Like all new behaviors, it takes practice to rewrite the neural pathways of thinking, to retrain the nervous system and for the people around you to accept your new way of responding. That’s okay, keep using the power of pause trust me, it’s worth it!
In peace and love and light,
Looking for more secrets, tips and insights on living your best life? Check out the Dynamic Transformation Courses now available online or contact Marnie about Energy Work and Transformational Coaching.