What Does Organic Mean To Me?

What does organic mean to me? It means living in harmony with mother nature and the forces around me.

Eating, growing, and promoting organic is more than just a fad, it’s a way of life.

If you watch nature for a while, you will see how plants, animals, and insects work together in harmony creating a beautiful symphony of life. When one is out of balance it can throw off the entire eco system.

Many factors contribute to the imbalance including the extensive use of pesticides and herbicides.

Did you know the term organic did not exist before World War II because at that time everything grown was organic. Chemicals had not come on the scene yet. Pesticides and herbicides started being used to kill malaria carrying mosquitoes and were touted as miracles, saving crops and lives. With these newly created chemical “crop savers” seen as hero’s, they were quickly expanded upon and overused. However, nature is extremely adaptable and can change quickly making it necessary for more and stronger chemicals.

Little did we know that these chemicals were harming the eco system and destroying our food supply and they continue to do so at alarming rates.

Organic gardening is one of the many ways I try to be in balance with nature. There is nothing that makes me feel more in harmony and oneness with nature than stepping into my garden and harvesting beautiful, healthy organic vegetables.

I used to always say, “hey look what I grew”. Since I’ve grown and understand more about harmony, I now say, “Look what I co-created with mother earth!” This co-creation helps me feel more of an appreciation for and connection to my food.

Working with nature helps us to stay curious, creative, and appreciative. Living organically and regeneratively does several things for us:

  1. Provides nutrient dense foods for our family and friends

  2. Promotes healthy living soils for the insects and microorganisms

  3. Builds soil and improves erosion

  4. Creates clean jobs and safe work environments for farmers and animals

  5. Reduces stress for humankind and the environment

  6. Sparks creativity

  7. Helps to keep our land, air, and waterways clean

There are plenty more reasons I could list but I think you get my point. It’s healthy and beneficial to the earth and everything living in it.

Join me April 30th at 4pm to begin your venture into organic gardening. Learn more about it and sign up HERE.

Lori Tyman

Lori is a functional holistic health coach and our fearless drum circle leader. She is passionate about your health and wellbeing and joins us on a regular basis teaching workshops that will help you uncover the roots to your symptoms, resolve them, and encourage you on the way to achieving your goals. www.DivineHolisticWellness.org


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