month at a glance
Bring a little mental wellness into your workplace with expert-led Guided Meditations and Sound Baths.
We’ll gather around the conference table, in open work rooms, at your desk, or on the floor for 30 minutes to destress, reset and restore!
CONTACT MARNIE for details and pricing.
The center is available for half-day and full-day retreats/workshops which gives you access to many areas indoors and all of the outdoors. We also offer a commission based 1-2 hour class/workshop rental.
Podcast Release
Episode 10 - Quest For The True You: Missions For Conscious Authenticity
We (Marnie and Natalie) decided a clear focus for the year ahead would be most beneficial to you. So we created the Quest For The True You: Missions For Conscious Authenticity series.
In this episode we talk about the why of the series and why being your most authentic self is so important.
Every Wednesday we will explore a new facet of authenticity to help you more easily integrate and act from the True Self.
This week we've created a one-page downloadable worksheet called: FILL IN THE BLANK. This will help you better understand where you are right now, what conditioning isn't serving you and allow you choose something more aligned.
In joy, love, light and appreciation Marnie & Natalie