Malachite - Heart chakra, Balance, Love & compassion, Heart healing, Aligns mind & heart, Emotional growth, Appreciating lessons learned
Mangano Calcite - Love; Aligns you with the highest form of Divine motherly love; Activates loving thoughts; Transforms thoughts to self-love; Opens heart chakra
Mookaite - Strength, Physically fit, mentally focused and emotionally balanced, Realigns physical chakras with spiritual being, Increases revelations and realizations, Focus and grounding
Moonstone - Goddess stone, Activates intuition, Reflects that life is a cycle of change, Deep emotional healing, Stone of new beginnings, Develop clairvoyance, Feminine energy
Moss Agate - Helps you see the beauty way, Aids environmental sensitivity, New beginnings, Attracts abundance, Improves self-esteem, Releases fear and stress, Promotes self-expression
Nuumite - Purifier, Draws out negative or outside energies from your field, Brings stability and grounding, Restores energy and power, Strengthens triple warmer meridian, “Sorcerer’s Stone”
Onyx, Black - Support, Shields your mind, body and spirit from negative energy, Calms your fears, Centers and aligns your energy, Personal strength, vigor and stamina, Imparts self-confidence
Opal, Pink - Love stone, heals suppressed pain by replacing it with compassion for self, stimulates originality and dynamic creativity , Stimulates heart & sacral chakras
Peacock Ore - (BORNITE), rebirth, Brings freshness and newness, Heightens perception and intuition, Connects astral body to physical body, Reprograms cellular memory and etheric blueprints
Pietersite - Courage; A grounding force while you take spiritual steps; Mental clarity; Strengthens personal power and the ability to shine; Improves self-esteem, joy, enthusiasm, and courage
Prehnite - Open & recpetive, Aligns you with peace, Focus & mental alertness, New opportunities, Great happiness, Integrate changes, See the good in all things
Pyrite - “Firestone”, Blocks negative energy and pollutants at all levels, Prevents energy leaks from body and aura, Creates positive outlook, Gets to the root of karmic and psychosomatic disease
Quartz, Points (mini) - Magnifier, Magnifies energetic vibrations, Directs energy, Meditation, Any type of energy work, Crystal grids
Quartz, Points (medium) - Magnifier, Magnifies energetic vibrations, Directs energy, Meditation, Any type of energy work, Crystal grids
Quarts, Tumbled - Clarity, All is well, Mental clarity, Balanced emotions, Realized desires, Transmits & transduces energy, Amplifies energy, Overall wellbeing
Rainbow Moonstone - “Cycle of cycles”, The properties of Moonstone, Houses a spiritual being of light and spiritual healing, Links you to your life plan, Helps you see the unseen, Opens you to spiritual gifts
Rhodochrosite - Inner strength, Divine Feminine, Compassion, inner peace, tolerance and love, Self-love, Aids in overcoming abuse, Shifts negative to positive, Courage and strength
Rhodonite - Emotional balancer, Stimulates, clears and activates the heart and heart chakra, Balances yin-yang, Aids in achieving highest potential, Forgiveness and reconciliation, Enhances mantra meditation
Rose Quartz - Compassion, Unconditional love, Kindness, Tolerance & acceptance, Nurturing, Heart-centered focus, Attract romance, Grief healing
Ruby Fuchsite - Heartfelt truth, Attracts life partner, Heart opening, Creates mental passion, Heals hurt feelings, Healthy physical body, Fulfilling relationships
Ruby Zoisite - Recovery, Transmutes negative energy into positive, Strengthens life force, Communicate with spirit world, Multidimensional cellular healing, Soul healing and past life work
Rutilated Quartz - Infinite connection to All That Is, Improves intuition &connection to guides, Good for protection, Higher thought and wisdom, Self-empowering, find the light within you