Selenite, Tumbled - Divine connections, Divine love and light, Ancient wisdom, Higher consciousness, Focused on intention, Emotional balance, Alignment with highest good
Septarian - “Dragonheart”, Balance, alignment and connection with magnificence, Self-worth & self-esteem, Open to new ideas, Clears outdated beliefs, Uncovers , releases and heals emotional wounds
Serpentine - “I am blessed.”, Good health, Great prosperity, Fabulous relationships, Clear consciousness, Useful for NLP & EFT, Positive integration
Shungite, Raw - Purifying, Protects against radiation, electromagnetic and geopathic stress, microwaves and other emissions, Removes micro-organisms and pollutants, Absorbs pesticides, free radicals, viruses and bacteria
Shungite, Tumbled - Purifying, Protects against radiation, electromagnetic and geopathic stress, microwaves and other emissions, Removes micro-organisms and pollutants, Absorbs pesticides, free radicals, viruses and bacteria
Smoky Quartz - Grounded protection, Divine protection, Grounded connect with Earth, Deflects negativity & EMF, Eliminates doubt and worry, Realigns scattered energy, Healing tool
Snowflake Obsidian - Purity, Balance for body, mind & spirit, Calms and soothes, Makes you receptive to emotional release, Teaches you to surrender during meditation, Inner centering
Sodalite - Peace and calm, Relaxation, Good health, Grounding, Activates “clairs”, Balances emotions, Meditation
Sunstone - Seductress, Promotes energy, vitality and creativity, Nourishes sacral chakra, Encourages confidence, power and leadership, Joyful and inspiring, Heightens intuition
Tiger’s Eye, Blue - Deep insights & awareness, Activates “clairs”, Cosmic inspirational messages, Grounds & calms mental chatter, Promotes , emotional balance, improves night vision
Tiger’s Eye, Gold - Shape shifter, Helps you see with fresh eyes, Shifts your perspective to gain deeper understanding, Gets you our of your rut, Inspires you to find courage to pursue new ventures, clarity with intention
Tiger’s Eye, Red - Motivator, Helps overcome lethargy, Speeds up a slow metabolism, Enhances lower chakras, stimulating kundalini energy and increasing sex drive, Energizes the emotional body
Tourmalinated Quartz - energetic connections, Severs unhealthy attachments, Regenerates & rejuvenates energy field, Reveals deeper spiritual truths, Helps you return to center, Clears negative thoughts & emotions
Tourmaline, Black - Protection, Divine protection, Deflects & draws out negative energy, Deeper consciousness, Centering, Facilitates order
Turquoise - Healer, Well-being for the body, Solace for the spirit, Spiritual attunement, Communication with the physical & spiritual worlds, Purification & protection, Enhances intuition
Unakite - Stone of vision, Opens and promotes visualization, Grounding, Calm gentle energy, Facilitates rebirthing, Helps you live in the moment