Tumultuous Times Crystal Bundle

Sale Price:$5.20 Original Price:$13.00

Inspired by these pivotal and transformative times we are currently living in, I wanted to create something tangible for you to hold and focus on when everything feels so untethered. But these crystals aren’t just for when things are chaotic, they are also the perfect companions through any transformation or upleveling process you may be going through. These crystals…

  • Lessen and calm depression, anger and irritation to help bring you back to conscious control and stabilize you physically.

  • Help you see where your ego may be in the way of your personal development and then help you release the mental and emotional conditioning blocking you from new possibilities.

  • Create openness for you to examine karmic contracts, vows, agreements and relationship patterns that no longer serve you so you can renegotiate them or release them.

  • They hold the combined wisdom of the mystics to support multidimensional healing, raising your vibration and catalyzing your spiritual evolution.

  • Help you resonate with your authentic soul’s journey and assist with the ascension process.

  • Purify and reenergize the chakras.

  • Bring harmony when going through deep personal transformation.

  • Balance yin-yang, feminine and masculine, consious and subconsious, intellect and intuition, inner and outer experience.

  • Stimulate self-acceptance, trust, patience, courage, self-confidence, calm, and a conscious positive attitude toward life.

Specially charged with light codes and high vibrational energy, this bundle contains 5 powerful crystals: Chrysoprase, Dumortierite, Golden Healer, Merlinite, and Mookaite


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